International Hybrid
Learning Society
The Aims of the International Hybrid Learning Society
  1. To share good practices in hybrid learning by organizing an annual international conference for academicians;
  2. To develop computer software tools which educators can apply in their hybrid learning activities;
  3. To distribute booklets on hybrid learning as a combination of traditional learning and eLearning to educational institutes and the public;
  4. To publish an academic journal in hybrid learning;
  5. To seek donations and sponsorships to encourage, support or subsidize the participation of students and teachers in Hong Kong and other parts of the People's Republic of China in the annual conference, or in any other significant or worthwhile information technology activities including conferences, seminars, workshops, educational programmes; and
  6. To organize, produce, manage, conduct, promote and represent at any theatre, community hall, academic institution, exhibition centre or other public place, seminars, exhibitions, lectures or events of a similar nature in furtherance of the objects of the Society, as the Society may from time to time think fit.
The Vision
  1. To provide an international forum for critical reviews and reporting on developments in the use of the Internet in general, and Hybrid Learning in particular; and
  2. To advance teaching and lifelong learning in school, higher, professional and vocational education.

The International Hybrid Learning Society has the vision of developing a methodology for both teaching and learning by using a combination of traditional face-to-face classroom learning and eLearning. As technologies evolve, it is feasible for students to learn anywhere, at any time, and in any way. In particular, for underdeveloped countries, long distance learning is economical for mass education. eLearning and Hybrid Learning can extend education to many more children than before. The International Hybrid Learning Society is an academic society, and will focus on academic issues only.

Founding Chairman: Prof. Joseph FONG Class Photo

Chairman: Dr. Lap-Kei LEE, Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Vice-chairman: Dr. Leung-Pun WONG, Tung Wah College

Secretary: Dr. Kwok Tai CHUI, Hong Kong Metropolitan University  
Webmaster: Keith LEE, Hong Kong Metropolitan University  

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